Thursday 7 December 2017

Final Costumes information for all 3 Products - Ashley

Music video-
Throughout the music video we had chosen to change up some of the shots so that our main character was wearing different variations of her outfit in different scenes. In the dance back scenes we had chosen to style our artist in pleated culottes in a silver colour, denim crop top, pink fur coat and black heels. We decided to dress her in this way to make sure she was the centre of attention in this scene as the dancers would catch the eye of the audience. We also chose to dress her in this way as this would then fit in with stereotypical pop culture. The outfit makes her look like a 'pop start' which is the look that we are going for as Charlie XCX is a young singer, song writer who needs to appear attractive to younger audience as this is her and our demographic. Furthermore in the scene where she is entering and is in the party, she can be seen wearing her silver pleated culottes, denim crop top and black heels. We decided to go with the stereotypical female image, with a little flesh showing to attract all audiences. We also decided to loose the pink fur coat for these scenes because we thought that it was a little too much as the video is set inside a building and audiences' would question why she was wearing a coat inside.

Magazine advert-
for the magazine advert we decided to style our artist in an outfit that is very bold and attractive so it would encourage more and more people to read our magazine advert. We decided to style her in bright royal blue trousers, a black body suit and black heels. We chosen to place her in trousers to break the stereotype of woman in the media, being seen in a feminine look like wearing a dress or a skirt. In the magazine advert we chose to use a full length photo so we were able to present the whole of the artist to our target audience. The reason we did this is so we can present our artist in a way that would be more attractive to our target audience rather than just having a head shot or medium shot.

The outfit we have chosen to style her in for the Digipak is bright royal blue trousers, black bodysuit and black heels. We have chosen to place her in this outfit for the Digipak because we wanted to brake the gender stereotype of females being placed in more 'feminine' clothing for example; a dress. However we have chosen to put her in heels because we thought that this element linked in to the party theme for our video. We decided to put our artist in bright royal blue trousers which not only separate her from the background but also catches the eye of the customers in a store. Having a bright blue pair of trousers also break gender norms with the colour blue and and the trousers. We chose to put a close up of our artist on the digipak which means you aren't able to see her outfit however, we chose to do this so there is an undistributed view of our artist. We also chose to add in two full length photos of our artist because we felt that we need to add in a variation of shots from the close up to the full length but we thought it would be better to include the full length photos so then the audience are able to see the whole of the artist. 

Tuesday 5 December 2017

Final props information for all 3 products (Ellie)

Image result for white front doorThe final props that we used within our music video consisted of flares these were used to create the outrageous bursts of colour flying through the sky as we believed our teenage target audience would like our video as they can relate to the connotations that the flares give off. The use of balloon further added to the party theme we were trying to create which links in with the glitter. We decided to place the glitter in the balloon ,balloons, streamers, glitter, red cups, food and drink. These were used to create the party theme that we needed for our video. Furthermore, we set up the white screen 24 hours before recording in order to be able to use it during Ambers performance. The lights on the disco ball and the use of the door being knocked on is also two other props we used within our music video.

We didn't actually use many props within our final magazine advert and digipak the main focus for us was instead the use of the colourful backgrounds and outfit choices for Charli XCX. This is because we didn't feel like we needed actual props. A frequent occurrence in our piece is however the pouty lips so they appear frequently upon our products. Furthermore, we made the decision to include the use of the dancers upon our magazine advert.

Image result for disco balImage result for pretty Led Lights
Within the final digipak we had the use of the LED lights across the artists face and behind the track list. The second prop that was used within our digipak was the idea of the white screen behind our artist which is also present upon our digipak. Our finished magazine advert consists of the minimal props this is why within our magazine advert we made the decision to include two of the dancers featuring within the music video. Alongside the use of the funky colourful background to draw the attention of our target audience.

Final Music Video - Frank

this is our final music video and this has been added to from previous feedback given in the rough cuts, this has been through adding extr...