Thursday 16 November 2017

Plot and Narrative Work for the Music Video - Ashley

A wild fun-loving teenager is accompanied to a party with her friend, they have the time of their lives, but do they leave together?
This statement sums up our music video because this is the short story of what we are basing our video around. We have chosen the song Famous by Charli XCX which is a song about partying and being outrageous. This is why we have chosen to set our music video in a house party. The reason why we have chosen to shoot the music video in a house party is being house parties can sometimes be rebellious with teenagers having a party in their house without their parent having any knowledge of it. Within the lyrics Charli XCX sings 'so outrageous' which ties in with the rebellious house party and the flare scene. We chose to add flares in one of the scenes because we felt that this was a clear representation of being outrageous and crazy. We added flare into our music video because we liked the idea of how they looked and what vibe they created. To link into the theme of being outrageous we decided to add in support actors to help the story line progress for example; the love interest between Danny and Amber. WE decided to have their love interest one of the main parts within the music video as we thought this would fit the theme and would also make the music video more enjoyable for our target audience. This was also added in so that it fitted with the outrageous theme as the story line depicts Amber stealing her best friends boyfriend.   

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Final Music Video - Frank

this is our final music video and this has been added to from previous feedback given in the rough cuts, this has been through adding extr...