Wednesday 15 November 2017

Group Research into Music Videos by your Chosen Artist - Group

Charlie XCX -

Charlie XCX's music video's have a very 'childish' feel and look.

Charlie XCX- Boys

Representation-  This music video is different to all of the others. This is special because it goes against all of the stereotypes of women being sexualised in music videos through the main use of the Male Gaze Theory. The whole video is about breaking the female gender norms and stereotypes. Through the use of Mise-en-scene, editing and camera the gender stereotype is broken. Charli XCX is the artist who wrote and sang this song decided to use all famous men who are famous for all different reasons. This music video took nearly a year to film as she waited until these specific celebs where free until she chose to film. So she had to film all of the different scenes at different times of the year. Throughout the video she works to break the stereotype of how all woman are represented in society and in the media. She has used lots of metaphors and different props to represent these opinions, for example putting men in 'female' settings for example; Charlie Puth cleaning a soapy car in a provocative way. This is a stereotypical American image of women in barley any clothing cleaning a car which can be seen in many movies. However, there is also different types of representation in the video for example; when the man can be seen falling backward into a massive pit of balls. This could be representing how woman have to face all of the unwanted criticisms of the public and the media in regards to decisions they make. However, if a man were to do what they did they would have to face the same type of backlash as a woman would have to face if they did it.   

Mise-en-scene- Throughout the whole video Charli XCX has chosen to use more feminine locations to shoot in, for example the pink screen that all of the male celebrities are seen to be in front of. This automatically sets the scene of femininity because in most male music video they stereo-typically have cars and things that would be deemed to be more masculine or attractive to males. This is why Charli XCX has chosen to place all of these male celebrities in a female setting to prove a point about sexism and breaking the gender norms and stereotypes. The males in the video are all seen to be wearing pretty 'normal' things for a male, jeans and a top. However, one male can be seen to be posing with a chain saw with his shirt off and a pink background. Mocking the way Hollywood sexualises everything a woman does. Furthermore, some of the men in some of the scenes can be seen to be wearing things that a woman would stereo-typically be seen in for example; One scene shows a man in a speedo again mocking the fact that woman are always shown to be wearing next to nothing. Not all but most props used throughout the video have been modified to be pink in colour for example; when the male rapper can be seen eating out of a pink cereal bowl and the male YouTube star can be seen smashing a pink object over his head, the pink water guns, basketball and tooth brush, just to name a few. Throughout the whole video high key lighting is used, this could be representation for the fact that society needs to shed more light on the inequality between male and females. Most of the sets used look like they have just used music video sets for example; the set of a garage door, the pink screen, the white screen e.c.t. The video doesn't use any outdoor types of locations and only focuses on the people in the video. This connotes that the Artist wanted all of the undivided attention on the story behind the video and the reasons portrayed in the video. This can be seen through the use of a lot of many different camera shot but most popularly the mid and close up shots. 

Camera- Throughout the whole video the most favoured shots that are used a lot are the mid and the close up shots. The reason I believe the artist has chosen to do this is to make a point about the constant sexulisation of women in the media. We can see this by the shot of the male YouTube star the camera begins with a close up shot of his face and then the shot moves to an extreme close up of his eye and he is seen in a very feminine manor. This can also be seen by the back drop, he seems to be in place where there are lots of flowers which is again mocking how woman are always placed in the 'female roles' in society and how they are never seen to be independent or in a harsh setting like a scrap yard. The camera angles can also been seen to be very sexual and moving in a provocative way using the Male Gaze Theory to portray the point of the exploitation of women in the media. At the end of the video there is a high angle camera shot of a man falling backwards into a ball pit. This could represent how women have to fall backwards into all of their expectation and responsibilities. 

Editing- Throughout the video editing can't be seen very prominently compared to how it was be seen in a film. However editing shows throughout the video there is an eyeline match between all of the males in the video. This could represent how they are all equal to each other or could also represent how all females are viewed in the same way. This could be hinting to how woman are always represented in the same way through the media. 

Charli XCX and Iggy Azalea – Fancy

This video is known for its intertextuality, as it is based on and is nearly a replica of the film clueless. This is because it shows the two main characters to be dressed in the outfits the actors were wearing in the film. At the very start of the video, it shows the artist picking the outfit through an app on her iPad, which is the same concept as the film. This draws in the audience as they may want to see their music version of the film and how they do it. Which is positive for the video as it will then have more success.
This video is bright and full of colour, due to the wide use of costume and lighting. At the start of the video, the main artist and Charli XCX are shown to be in a school setting, which could relate to the younger target audience. It also has cartoon text displaying the artist’s name, which also links to the intertextuality. The use of the bright colours connotes the idea it is fun and fits their target audience well.  Meaning I am able to use this idea in my music video, as it shows she reflects the colourful image to her target audience. They use a wide range of shots as there are many close ups and medium shots or the artists throughout. As well as shots, there are some panning shots or dancers and the artists within the middle of the video. This makes it more interesting to the audience and allows them to keep watching. I will also use this in the own video as we want to show our skills and boost the success of the video. 

The editing is clear throughout as it follows the normal conventions, as they are jump cuts throughout. They are also to the beat of the music which is professional and also allows the audience to keep the upbeat nature of the song. As well as the jump cuts, the lip syncing is well done, as it is always to the words and not out. Showing the professionalism of the video and makes it look better the audience. 

video opens with a long shot that acts as an establishing shot to establish the location of the video. This is a common theme seen in all media as an audience like to know the location that the text they are watching is taking place. The first shot of artist is a close-up. This gives us a quick introduction to the artist but her face is covered by writing on the screen. This is because it is more important what movie the song it is representing than it is who’s singing it. We then get close-up shots of both the protagonists from ‘The Fault in Our Stars’, which is clips from the movie. This is to introduce the audience to the movie that the song is representing. It also introduces the characters of the movie for those who have not been to see it.

Throughout the clip, a lot of shots are used to show off the setting of the video. a medium close-up which shows that Charli is on the same boat that the two characters go on in the movie. There is then a clip showing off the two characters on the boat, establishing a connecting between the performance and the narrative of the movie. Through this we can also find that the video is being set in Amsterdam, the same location an important portion of the movie was set. When the music changes style and begins to move slower, there is a change in the mood of the cinematography. Charli is shot close-up looking away from the camera, as opposed to towards the camera as she was before. Also it is harder to make her out because of the effects used. This was all done to reflect the change in the song which has become more alternative, meaning the video had to too.

Before she enters the bus, there is a long shot that establishes Charli sat outside of it, effectively establishing the location. However, instead of immediately cutting to the scenes inside the bus as it usually does and even then we don’t know it’s the same location until we later see a portion of the inside of the bus while on the outside of it. This breaks the conventions found in typical media pieces of having the location established and then following with a scene in that location, instead we have the location established and then a scene in there later on. There is a close-up shot of her hands clapping as she says the word clap. This creates a cohesion between the lyrics of the song and the action that is taking place on screen. The final shot is a long shot of Charli walking away. This signifies the end of the video.


The setting for this video is on the streets of Amsterdam, the same place a portion of the movie ‘The Fault in Our Stars’ was set, creating a link between the two pieces. One of the settings predominantly featured in both the performance of the piece and the archive footage from the movie is on a river boat, which again creates a link between the movie and the video as Charli is taking the same adventure the two characters from the movie did. The lighting throughout the video is relatively light but has a slightly darker tone to it because of the theme of the movie it is representing. This sees a change when the tone of the music also changes. The lighting during this section of the video is darker and features lasers appearing over the screen. This is to represent the alternative nature of this portion of the song.
There is a contrast between the clothing and the lighting in this video. During the scenes when the lighting is brighter she is seen in more pop artist like clothes that are in brighter and more girly colours and patterns. However, during the scenes when the lighting in darker, she is seen wearing more edgy clothes that show off her alternative style of music. This done to create cohesion between the two areas of mise-en- scene.

the editing in this video fits the pattern found in most other music videos, that it is in time with the beat of the song. The part of the video with the fastest editing is during the chorus when many shots are cut together one after the other. This is typical for the chorus of a music video as the chorus of the song tends to be the part of the music video when the song is at its fastest beat. Each of these shots usually change location and costume, suggesting the video is more about the performance of Charli than about a narrative which would have a few cuts in the same location follow after each other. During all this the editing used is jump cuts which is the typical form of editing. In the third verse of the song the editing changes to a dissolves as opposed to the conventional cut. This is because of the third verse of the song being more alternative than the others and the use of dissolve is something that is conventional in alternative music videos.

Another type of editing used in the video is text and images appearing on the screen. The text that appears looks hand drawn but it will have been added through a computer software. By doing this more references to ‘The Fault in Our Stars’ has been added because the style and font of the text is the same as the text featured in the film. Also some of the text used relates directly to the film such as the use of ‘Okay? Okay.’ which is a slogan for the film. Text appears in many music videos, usually at the beginning to tell the audience the name of the track and the artist. In this case the text appears throughout the video as opposed to just at the beginning. Another form of editing featured in the video is the use of special effects appearing over the top of the video. A colourful spotlight effect appears over the top of the more alternative part of the video, again fitting in with the genre by creating a weird atmosphere. This is also helped by the lights that appear on Charli’s face during this bit.

Charli XCX - Break the Rules

Break the Rules was written in 5 minutes in a car park and recorded through her phone. She wrote it as she wanted to live out a weird fantasy in her head as she never actually attended her school prom because she was naughty. The song was written in a song camp with people she isn't close friends with which actually made her anxiety kick in as she only usually works with people she knows. She was shocked when it was released as a single as she actually hated the song and said "anyone who listens to this is an idiot" and four months later it has been released as a single. 

Within the Mise- en Scene Charli XCX presents her feminist views well the women are seen as sexualised objects when entering the lingerie shop in school outfits which hits her young teenage audience perfectly as they can immediately relate themselves to her as they too go to school . Furthermore, the use of the Male Gaze Theory is used upon Charli XCX from the man leaning over the till looking at her from bottom to top. This girls a seductive feel to the female characters as they are wearing short skirts, shirts with buttons undone, loose ties or none at all. This would relate young girls to them as they believe this is what boys want to see and boys would like this music video as they would be attracted towards girls with all their make up done, silky smooth hair etc. The most important factor being the male gaze theory as she is a strong feminist and believes women are equal to men but her character is being used as an object as she looks good.

There are several powerful representations within this music video the first being that the teacher is a women as women are seen as housewives not in successful careers right at the top of the schooling hierarchy being able to control wreck less children 'breaking the rules'. However, Charli XCX has chosen to put a women in charge. Rose McGowan looks powerful and strong in her stance in the video. Secondly, sexuality plays a role in this music video as the two homosexual girls are 'breaking the rules' by kissing and this shows Charli XCX believes that you can choose to love whoever you want too. Which is a powerful positive message to be able to send to such a wide audience. Finally, the fact that the girls are the ones being deviant none of the boys are causing trouble the girls are the ones turning up late to prom going crazy etc. Showing Charli XCX hasn't stuck to none of the normal stereotypes. So therefore, feminists would really enjoy this video.

Within the shots the most important shots were firstly, when Charli XCX was being truant upon the bus and being completely outrageous as it out of the ordinary for girls especially to act in this manor. The use of the low angle shot made her dominate the shot and look powerful which is what she was hoping to create. Within the party the high angle shot of the teacher looking down upon the students made them look minuscule and less important than herself which showed her authority over the mass of children. The use of the eye line matches between Charli and other teenage girls showed their equality and did too spread her message of girls and boys being equals.

The editing- the use of the text upon the screen was something that would have been added in after the music video was created which is something to consider during my own video as it actually creates quite the effect for the audience as they can pay attention and take note of the key character. The use of lip syncing is always in time which leads to an overall better music video as everything is moving at the same speed , both images and sound. There was also the image placed in of the teacher which allowed us to absorb who she actually was for several seconds and allowed us to realise her importance within this video.

The outrageousness within Break the Rules is something we will use in our actual music video as both of these videos are aimed at the same target audience as Break the Rules is about school and prom and the same within our actual music video Famous. We can use the lyrics of 'what trouble can we find' alongside shameful and outrageous within Famous as similar to the Break the Rules video as they are both based on one crazy night. We can include the use of upbeat music, the balloons and the crowd of people to create the party feel we need for our actual video from this analysis of Break the Rules.

We will use some ideas for Charli XCX's video's such as the party theme and the childish type of style throughout. We have chosen to do this because we liked the way this attracted the same type of audience as we were aiming to target. We were also found of how up beat all of her songs are and how they always seem to be up lifting especially with the visuals of the music video. We liked the style of how the video for 'Break The Rules' was filmed with all of the teenage cast acting up and being outrageous. Although Chalri XCX is a British artist she always seems to have an American vibe running through all of her music video's. We got inspiration from this and this is why we wanted to go for a house party theme with red cups, which are a very iconic things for American films that contain house parties. We also liked the idea of the dance break in the music video for Fancy f.t Iggy. We got inspiration from this so we decided to plan a dance break within the video . We wanted to include this because we thought it was a good idea to keep the audience focused and interested in our music video. We also wanted to add the same time of dance break to give the video a little more diversity. 

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Final Music Video - Frank

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