Monday 20 November 2017

Music Video Rough Cut 3 and Feedback

door knocking- why is she knocking if she is already at the party?
storyline is unclear between the two main characters
dim the lighting of the end scene
make it more outrageous

Amber looks great and fits the role well
Dancers look professional
Range of shots used and steady shots used

Feedback from target audience:

- The party looks fun and exciting
- The party doesn't look set up
-The flares are great and effective

-The storyline needs to clearer not easily followed
- add in some dirty looks when she walks in to show outrage she has crashed the party

From gaining this feedback, we can now see where we need to make adjustments in order to reedit tis video to make sure all of our audience can easily follow our narrative we are trying to set and aren't confused throughout the entirety of our storyline. Ensuring that all of the feedback given is used and we give the audience what they want to see.

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