Saturday 18 November 2017

Final Location Scouting for all 3 Products - Frank

For our film we have 5 final locations where our music video has been filmed as we wanted not just have one theme for the video being the party as we wanted to divert some shots to outside the party as the narrative is taken away from the party itself. our first location is Lizzie's house, we have used this location to film the party scenes with the entry of the artist and the video keeps going back to the artist ad the rest of the party having a good time. We used a house to film this section as we needed a small area to compact people in so it has a party feel to it, also our demographic we have house parties so having it set in a house means that more demographics can relate. We also used a road outside lizzies house to film Amber(artist) and her friend on their way to the party and leaving the party. To add to this we used lizzie's back garden for the dancing elements of the video as we need space for the dancers routines. We have used of the shots above for all three of our products.

We used a white screen which I have previously mentioned, this is a white paper background in  our school which can be used to project images and other things onto it . We used it as a white background instead of adding images in the background as it looks like a photo-shoot and its different to other artists and generic conventions due to not adding wild and colourful images. We also used this screen for our other two products due to it being easy to edit out the white screen to add more detail to the digipak and magazine advert.

We used the fireworks from our school event to be included in our film and we also included a still photo of the firework once exploded. We have used this image on our digipak as it is very colourful and fireworks gives of many connotations that we would like to give off to our target audience and we want it to relate to the theme of the video. This shot has also been used to divert the narrative away from constantly being in the house party.

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Final Music Video - Frank

this is our final music video and this has been added to from previous feedback given in the rough cuts, this has been through adding extr...