Friday 6 October 2017

Draft Filming/ Editing Schedule- Lizzie

People needed
9-13th October
9th= filming
10-13th = editing
‘artist’ – Amber Smith
School – white screen

16-20th October
16th= filming
17-20th = editing
Everyone included for the party
House party
16-20th October
16th =filming
Some of cast members
Field, outside location
This is a simple table showing dates in which we plan to film and edit our music video. It shows who is needed in that section of filming and the location we need to go to film. This is useful as it will allow us to stick to timings to ensure we meet allocated deadlines. As this is a draft, it only outlines the 3 times of potential filming, whereas after handing in our drafts, we will need to re film sections and improve the editing quality. Therefore, this is based upon the first hand in and further filming and editing will follow due to the feedback we will receive.

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