Friday 17 November 2017

Lighting Notes - Frank

We have various different locations for our video. When we was in the house shooting the party scenes we had low-key lighting throughout as we had the people within the party dancing in the shadows and with the close ups there is visible shadows. We had the lighting like this to give the party atmosphere as we wanted it to look genuine so the target audience can relate to it more rather than them thinking it was staged. Along with the low-key lighting we had multi-coloured LED lights to also create a real party atmosphere. We had the artist leave with the boy in the natural light during the day to connote they have there all night.

Our shots outside with the flares had natural lighting as we shot it in the day so the flares would be more visible and wanted to make them as clear and colourful as possible so the audience connects the colourfulness with the theme of the video. We also dimmed the background through post-production to make it look darker as we wanted to keep up with the continuity of the video as the party was stages at night so didn't want to make the narrative and the diverted shots from party to confuse the audience. We also used natural light with the fireworks. This is due to the fireworks giving off large colour themselves so no added light needed. Example of natural lighting used in a music video below.

We used high-key lighting when we shot the artist in front of the white screen as we wanted the white to be prominent colour as this will make the other colours stand out. This is also due to having no shadows visible in these shots. An example of a high-key shot being used within a piece of media below.

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Final Music Video - Frank

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