Tuesday 14 November 2017

Music Video Rough Cut 1 and Feedback

What works well
Amber looks the part!
Some nice steady shots
I like the dancers!  

Even Better if
Make sure the lip sync is all correct
Why are they having a party during the day? Can you darken the colour?
Why are they with flares during the day?
Feel you need to show them being outrageous a little more! 
Show her "crashing the party!"
If you finish it!
More of the dancers and Amber would be great
Add more varied locations
It needs more content

Feedback from target audience:

- I like the range of shots used, it is very interesting to see
- The party looks realistic
- I like the shot of the lights

- It isn't a full music video
- The boy isn't very clear (narrative)
- Lip sync is slightly out

From gaining this feedback, we will now take these into consideration when reediting the video. As a group, we will use each point stated above and change it accordingly, to ensure the video is improved and what the target audience want to see.

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