Wednesday 11 October 2017

Props information (Ellie)

One prop will be using within our recording is balloons to create the party vibe within our music video. To create the glamorous effect with the artist we will be using glitter within the balloons so when we pop them the glitter will release. Another prop that we will be using within our video will be yellow, purple and blue flares. We will use these to create a party atmosphere within the music video as we want the music video to be representing a fun filled narrative.

Within the party we will use props such as the plastic cups, drinks, food and the balloons. Alongside the use of the white screen when amber is singing alone. It is important that we plan out the props we want to use within our music video as we want to be able to easily access them when wanting to record. For example the white screen we needed to get 24 hours notice to our teacher in order to be able to use it as we need to be able to set it up properly, have a location to be able to use it and have time to take it back down.
The planning of our props would also mean that within our video we are able to use the exact products we want. Having to improvise with other items e.g. needing a menu for a dinner scene but making one out of paper because you haven't planned would bring down the quality of the film and make it look unrealistic. Therefore, to achieve the best possible grade it is important we order items we need in advance so we can meet our filming day deadline. For instance needing to order the flares a week in advance meant we had to plan for them arriving and ordering them before film so when we wanted to shoot we could. This organisation meant that we could record on our chosen dates and did not have to delay filming and rearrange for a later date.

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