Friday 13 October 2017

Target Audience Brief for the Music Video- Lizzie

Our target audience we aim to put this music video out to will be teenagers, as the narrative involved is a younger, more immature topic. This is because it is based around having a young relationship, and getting together at a party. The age range we are looking at is between 14-26 as people in the video will be ages 16-18, but the song in general would appeal to the mid 20 ages. The gender we are aiming at would be male and female as both these genders are casted in the video. It also is because the narrative is based around this, as the song itself could be this meaning. This widens the target audience, meaning it could become more successful when putting it out on the different formats.

Hypodermic needle theory- when the information from a text passes into the mass consciousness of the audience unmediated. Also it is manipulated by the creators of media texts, for example, behaviour. This theory is mostly negative as it could be when violence is used within a video, as the audience accepts the intended message.

Uses and gratifications theory- when the audience watch a film satisfy specific needs to seek entertainment. This could be things such as personal relationships, personal identity or just for information.


  • A: upper middle class e.g. doctor or lawyer
  • B: middle class e.g. teacher or architect 
  • C1: lower middle class e.g. student or shop manager
  • C2: skilled working class e.g. nurse or cook 
  • D: working class e.g. waiter or shop worker
  • E: lowest grade workers e.g. unemployed or on benefits
These demographics give us an idea of what category our target audience may fit into. The categories show a clear idea of what type of person fits with a different job, based on income. Overall, our target audience will fit into the category C1, as this is lower middle class and includes the title of a student. In which is the sort of age we are trying to put our music video out to. 

When it comes to further planning of the location and narrative of the video, it will be clearer as to which theory will be used.

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