Wednesday 15 November 2017

Casting/ Audition information - Ashley

When we were brain storming ideas for our music video we also had to think about the type of artist we are going to have in our music video. We chose to use the song Famous by Charli XCX which meant that we had to consider a female for the lead role. We had many different people in mind for the main role which meant that we had to trial and practice with all of the many different people to see what it would turn out like if we were to use them in our music video. Through all of the considerations of who we were going to use we decided to use Amber. We chose Amber because we felt that she was the best person suited for the role because of her look and her ability to lip sync successfully. We also chose her because she also fits our target audience perfectly and would be the best candidate to draw in all types of audiences, as well as looking the part. We trailed many different people to be our main character in our video but we didn't feel that their image or their lip sync ability fitted the part as well as we wanted to. After we chose Amber as the main part we had to decide who we were going to cast as the supporting cast. We had a clear vision of what type of people we needed to cast for these roles, so we set out trying to find these people. At first we only cast Danny as the love interest in our music video. We did this because we felt that he fitted the role of our interest as he looked the part and we felt that they looked like the stereotypical couple. However we then decided to cast two more people as the support cast as we felt adding two more people in would fit the lyrics of the song well, about the main character stealing someones boyfriend. This is when we decided to cast Annabelle and Olly, we cast these two too play a couple at the party. However, we also cast these two to be the friends of Amber and Danny to make the story line have a little more continuity. We feel we successfully achieved casting the right type of people for our video because the continuity and flow of the story line helps the music video progress in a seamless way. For the party we decided to cast many different extras, consisting of both males and females to fit out target audience. We chose these extras by asking our school friends to come along in party wear as we would set up a mock house party. We had to have different types of people in the house party scene so we would be able to accurately represent our target audience. This would enable us the target the most amount of people as possible so that our target audience would feel accurately represented through our music video. the casting had to fit the whole of the music video and the plethora of different scene we wanted to achieve throughout the video shoot an example of this would be, that we had to carefully select the people we wished to have in our flare scenes because we needed to have the equal amount of males and females just like the house party scenes. However, in our dance break scenes we decided to use all female dancers because we believed it would look best with all females as this scene could be completely based at drawing in the female audiences as it meant that would could make these scene very feminine.

Throughout the whole process we all felt that casting was a very smooth and easy process as we didn't have to cast a lot of many different people for different scenes e.c.t. This meant that we were able to spend more time on the actual production of the music video, enabling us to perfect our scene to make them look as good as possible.

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