Thursday 9 November 2017

Ideas for magazine advertisement - group

(Frank)-I chose to go with this design as this shot of the artist gives the best chance for her to show her body language as a young pop star, I chose this shot of the artist as it can show off her colourful attire and we can contrast it against the white background. I used the bright pink font to continue with the connotations of the pop genre as it stands out and is loud and bright which speaks volumes for the artist and the song. We chose the group one to have a shot of the artist in front of the white screen as we could use the software(Photoshop) to add the bright colours and text. We also come up with the decision to incorporate more aspects from the video to our magazine advert so we want to include the dancers as they are seen in our music vidoe so the audience makes the link between the two.
I came up with this design because I liked the background being plain as it meant that the attention isn't taken away from the artist. I also decided to make the back ground plain as it meant that it blended well with the artist and her style of clothing. I chose to have the album name 'SUCKER' up the side in large and bold because I felt the album name was very important for the advertisement and the marketing of the artist. I also like the look of the name sucker as a type of cut out so the back ground is coloured and shaded the instead of the actual words being shaded its self. I also liked the look of having the website up the side of her leg as it gave it a little more alternative look other than just the 'normal text across the page. Another feature that i added into the magazine advert that I liked the look of was the artists signature merging behind her head as it gives the poster a 3D look. Finally, I put all of the information that i felt was the most important at the top of the advert. This information includes the album name and the international smash information. Then i chose to put the record labels name in the bottom left hand corner of the advertisement.     
i decided to design my magazine advert purely around the main artist, meaning i have placed a long shot of Amber in the centre. This immediately draws the audiences attention on the artist and what her look and style is. If the artist is presented positively to the audience, it is more likely to be successful and be more easily promoted. At the very top of the magazine advert, there is a feminine bold font stating the name of the artist, and down the side the album name. By having it in this font, it makes it clear and obvious to audience who and what they are buying. As well as this, at the bottom of the page there are elements that are commonly seen within a magazine advert. Such as the date of release, which overall makes it obvious to the audience. 

(Ellie) - I decided to come up with my design as I wanted to keep a lot of the attention on the use of the prop. The idea of the balloon was to make the link a link between the lyrics and the props used. As in the song it says "purple glitter flying through the air". The use of the balloons was also to give away the theme of the album which is a party. The clothing she is wearing is in the style with teenagers which is also Charlie XCXs target audience which we can tell from our questionnaire so would attract them to this advert. furthermore the use of the bright bold text with the cut out love hearts on some of the letters shows the use of child like writing and childish romance.  It is also important for me to include the feature of Rita Ora as she has a large number of fans who would listen to the song just because she is in it which would further expand Charli XCXs name and album.

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