Friday 3 November 2017

Representation in Music Video (Ellie)

Age is a key representation used within the music video as it is made evident that is aimed at teenagers through the use of the party. This could be seen as immature as they seem careless with their actions and the use of the coloured flares is an example of this. Furthermore age could also be represented through the use of the childlike relationship presented throughout the video. 

Image result for gender
Another use of representation is the use of gender within the piece being very stereotypical with the girl in control and the boy chasing after her.  This is apparent by the way in which the girls are seen all dressed up with make up and the boys are just in simple tops and jeans. These are the typical clothes you expect boys and girls to wear at parties as boys often attend more causal where as girls get done up. The female playing Charli XCX is being sexualised through the use of her revealing tight fitting outfits and camera angles. The male gaze theory is used within this music video in order to open it up to both teenage boys as well as girls.

 The social group we will show in a positive light is teenagers as we want to make it look like their having fun to attract more teenagers to the music video and want them to be able to relate to the artist. It also presents teenagers positively as the music has no swearing within it and the way the video is created shares no explicit imagery. However, it may show teenage groups in a negative light because they are seen being reckless running around with fire flares and raving and drinking at a part. The other uses of representations cannot be related to our video as they do not appear in our piece. 

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