Friday 17 November 2017

Your Favourite Music Videos and Why- whole group

My favourite music video is 'waiting all night' by Rudimental. There are many elements to this video that make it so intriguing. The narrative of the video is a keen BMX rider has a fall where he loses his legs and the video follows him throughout his recovery showing his friends helping him. The video also shows his desire to ride a BMX again and shows his struggle to do so. To add to this, this video hasn't got actors as this is a real story and is following a real recovery from injury to do what he loves again. This makes the video better as it is showing raw emotion and not put on ones,
this engages and audience including myself. As the narrative is very different we can only take concepts of editing in our video, we will edit similar to this as the beat of the music correlates with the paced editing and the amount of shots. To add to this there point of the narrative also is in time with music and we want this in our video.

Birdy- People Help The People
The reason this is my favourite music video is because I like the location choices she has made throughout the video and the actual song speaks of people helping each other and makes you really think about unity and helping one another. I also like the message within the song and the remaining message of how fortunate you are after the video for having people around you who love and care about you.

My favourite music is Beyonce's Formation- high p value, deep meaning
This is one of my favourite music video as this video has a deeper meaning to it and it is a staple for black power. This music video was released when the black lives matter campaign was at its hype. I also like this video because it shows it represents all of the minorities and all of the different type of people in the world that people usually dismiss. The video also goes back in time and this can be seen through the camera used as the camera quality is very bad. Representing what it was like for beyonce to grow up in a world of being inferior to white people. This video also touches on all of the major events in the world like the New Orleans flood where the police car can be seen to be sinking. Real footage of hurricane Katrina hitting New Orleans was included into her music video from a Sundanese film documentary. The video also touches on self-love which is also complemented by the lyrics "I like my baby hair, with baby hair and Afros. I like my negro nose with Jackson Five nostrils." These lyrics represent self-love and how you should feel blessed with the things you are born with. This is also a common theme throughout Formation as Beyonce rocks a plethora of different black hair styles, including her own Afro. It also goes to tough on the slave trade and Martin Luther King Jr. Finally the true deeper meaning behind the song and the meaning behind Formation, talks about women's rights and how in hard times women need to band together and 'get in Formation' to help each other through what ever each of them is going through. Beyonce is a real Feminist which can be seen through her real life and her songs with the rise of the female superstar and the the increase of independent woman.      


New rules – Dua lipa

As a feminist and believer in women rights, my favourite video is New Rules by Dua Lipa. This is because the video promotes girls working together to stop allowing the boy to take over and control what females do by their words. I also enjoy the video as it has interesting imagery, such as flamingos which makes the audience think about what the meaning could be for that. Overall, it is a colourful and upbeat video which makes it enjoyable as there is a lot to watch.

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Final Music Video - Frank

this is our final music video and this has been added to from previous feedback given in the rough cuts, this has been through adding extr...