Tuesday 17 October 2017

Rough Plan for Music Video (Ellie)

The plan for our music video is to begin our recording with shoes entering the party we will track these into the event and hear the music getting louder from the inside. Once inside the party the lead character, her friend and her boyfriend are dancing together when the male actors friend comes over and both boys and the girls begin dancing together to the music. They then dance the night away and proceed to leave the party together. After the party ends they get in the car and are driving through the windey country lanes. Whilst people with the coloured flares run through the streets during the sunset.
We will edit this film using final cut on the Macs. The reason we will use this software is because it makes the edit of the music video smooth and provides a professional final product for our audience. Final cut has allowed us to be able to zoom in on key characters within our video, colour correct aspects of our piece especially the scenes we completed in day light but needed to be filmed in the dark. For example the flares that would be illegal to be used at night so had to be recorded in the day. Alongside being able to make sure the overall video had flowing transition from each cut to give a realistic feel for the audience.

This will help with our music video because it will allow us to be able to have a set plan to look back upon when filming our video. This rough plan will also provide us with our set ideas in case we forget our key choice of props we will need to make our video the way in which we want it to be.

Costumes information - Ashley

WE have chosen the song 'Famous' by Charli XCX. This has a very 'Party' vibe with the upbeat tempo and the fast pace of the song. This is why we have chosen to go with a party type of outfit for the whole cast as the bulk of the footage will be in the party. However, we have chosen to go with a more outstanding outfit for the main character, Amber. We have chosen to style her in a dress, to complement her femininity with the Male Gaze Theory in mind. We have also chosen to put the rest of the cast in 'party' wear to match the theme of the music video. For the purpose of camera prevalence we have chosen to make the outfit of the main character pop and stand out from the crown so the audience are drawn to the lead character. With our genre being Pop, we are target a younger audience hence why we are making the style of our video and the costumes relevant to Pop culture. keeping our target audience in mind, we have made sure they costumes fit the current age and are attractive for the viewing of our video. As a group we have created a mood board that represents our target audience and one that gives inspiration for our final video.

Friday 13 October 2017

Target Audience Brief for the Music Video- Lizzie

Our target audience we aim to put this music video out to will be teenagers, as the narrative involved is a younger, more immature topic. This is because it is based around having a young relationship, and getting together at a party. The age range we are looking at is between 14-26 as people in the video will be ages 16-18, but the song in general would appeal to the mid 20 ages. The gender we are aiming at would be male and female as both these genders are casted in the video. It also is because the narrative is based around this, as the song itself could be this meaning. This widens the target audience, meaning it could become more successful when putting it out on the different formats.

Hypodermic needle theory- when the information from a text passes into the mass consciousness of the audience unmediated. Also it is manipulated by the creators of media texts, for example, behaviour. This theory is mostly negative as it could be when violence is used within a video, as the audience accepts the intended message.

Uses and gratifications theory- when the audience watch a film satisfy specific needs to seek entertainment. This could be things such as personal relationships, personal identity or just for information.


  • A: upper middle class e.g. doctor or lawyer
  • B: middle class e.g. teacher or architect 
  • C1: lower middle class e.g. student or shop manager
  • C2: skilled working class e.g. nurse or cook 
  • D: working class e.g. waiter or shop worker
  • E: lowest grade workers e.g. unemployed or on benefits
These demographics give us an idea of what category our target audience may fit into. The categories show a clear idea of what type of person fits with a different job, based on income. Overall, our target audience will fit into the category C1, as this is lower middle class and includes the title of a student. In which is the sort of age we are trying to put our music video out to. 

When it comes to further planning of the location and narrative of the video, it will be clearer as to which theory will be used.

Wednesday 11 October 2017

Props information (Ellie)

One prop will be using within our recording is balloons to create the party vibe within our music video. To create the glamorous effect with the artist we will be using glitter within the balloons so when we pop them the glitter will release. Another prop that we will be using within our video will be yellow, purple and blue flares. We will use these to create a party atmosphere within the music video as we want the music video to be representing a fun filled narrative.

Within the party we will use props such as the plastic cups, drinks, food and the balloons. Alongside the use of the white screen when amber is singing alone. It is important that we plan out the props we want to use within our music video as we want to be able to easily access them when wanting to record. For example the white screen we needed to get 24 hours notice to our teacher in order to be able to use it as we need to be able to set it up properly, have a location to be able to use it and have time to take it back down.
The planning of our props would also mean that within our video we are able to use the exact products we want. Having to improvise with other items e.g. needing a menu for a dinner scene but making one out of paper because you haven't planned would bring down the quality of the film and make it look unrealistic. Therefore, to achieve the best possible grade it is important we order items we need in advance so we can meet our filming day deadline. For instance needing to order the flares a week in advance meant we had to plan for them arriving and ordering them before film so when we wanted to shoot we could. This organisation meant that we could record on our chosen dates and did not have to delay filming and rearrange for a later date.

Music Video Brief - Frank

25 Word Brief-
A wild fun-loving teenager is accompanied to a party with her friend and they have the time of their lives but do they leave together?

Why this song/artist will work for us?
This song and artist will work for us we can easily represent the target audience as we are the demographic that is targeted, therefore we understand what is needed in a music video to meet the target audiences demands. To add to this, the song has a party theme to it due to the lyrics involved in the song contain party references and this will make the listeners automatically think of this. This is good for us as we have a good understanding on what happens in a party so the target audience can relate to this as they will think of their party experiences if there is similarities between their memory and the video.

Equipment information (Ellie)

The camera that we will be using is a Sony A5100 and part iPhone 7 for aspects of our video. We will also need a tripod in order to make sure that when recording the camera is kept steady to receive the best quality from our filming. We will also be using a white screen for part of our video alongside a projector to show a variety of flashing lights in the background of the artist. This white screen will need to be set up 24 hours in advance before recording in order for this recording to take place. The use of the Sony A5100 camera meant that we had focused shots being presented throughout our music video with high quality showing a professional look to our video. The shots were further stabilised through the use of a tripod so that our camera shots were not shaky for the audience. The use of the iPhone 7 allowed us to be able to take the images for the digipak and magazine advert it was also used to film aspects of our film such as the dancers. 

Tuesday 10 October 2017

Music Video Target Audiences Questionnaire

This is our audience questionnaire, it includes specific questions we would like to find out to help us plan our music video. Our next step is to give the questionnaires out in hope to get valuable answers we can then analysis.

Friday 6 October 2017

Draft Filming/ Editing Schedule- Lizzie

People needed
9-13th October
9th= filming
10-13th = editing
‘artist’ – Amber Smith
School – white screen

16-20th October
16th= filming
17-20th = editing
Everyone included for the party
House party
16-20th October
16th =filming
Some of cast members
Field, outside location
This is a simple table showing dates in which we plan to film and edit our music video. It shows who is needed in that section of filming and the location we need to go to film. This is useful as it will allow us to stick to timings to ensure we meet allocated deadlines. As this is a draft, it only outlines the 3 times of potential filming, whereas after handing in our drafts, we will need to re film sections and improve the editing quality. Therefore, this is based upon the first hand in and further filming and editing will follow due to the feedback we will receive.

Tuesday 3 October 2017

Initial Ideas for Music Video (Ellie)

Our initial idea for our music video;

Our initial idea was too look for an artist with a song that hadn't been released as a single in the pop genre but was instead released within an album. This song was not well established within the charts and recognised as popular. Therefore, whilst looking at lyrics we came across the song and believe this would best fit our idea of a party theme with the genre we had picked.

The start of the music video is a girl arriving at a party with her friend and her boyfriend. We then follow her into the party and as she approaches we hear the music getting louder. Once inside she begins dancing with her friend and her boyfriend when his friend comes over and begins dancing with them too. When the party ends they leave together. Within this music video we had an initial idea of using coloured flares and balloons with glitter in so when they are popped the sparkles come out. Which relates to the lyrics within the video.

Final Music Video - Frank

this is our final music video and this has been added to from previous feedback given in the rough cuts, this has been through adding extr...